Match Report by Will Grey, 19th November 2022

From Dominating the Game to Finding Ourselves with a Loss

Another excellent representation from Kilgetty U13’s showing that what we have focused on in training is paying off. One and two touch football splitting the opposing side in two all across the pitch lead us to be Leading position after 30 minutes going 1-0 up from a long range shot from Jake Jenkins, some people can…and this boy is one of them!!!

Following an increasingly frustrating period of play with not at lot the the ball the Pennar team and manager became increasingly angry with the way the game was panning out. This resulted in a suspension of play and a disappointing display of outrage from the Pennar manager. Thanks to the excellent management of the situation by our referee and Kilgetty senior team player Ryan “CRUNCH” Coleman the situation was diffused however had they had any more officials present the
Manager would have been asked to leave the pitch.

This incident impacted our team considerably which was a a shame. Pennar went on to win 3 – 1. A very disappointing result considering we were by far the better side.

A few mentions before we go on to players of the week. Ethan Hammond, solid in defence again. Ranon Suter, excllent understanding and communication though out the game.

Defensive player of the week

Finlay Grey

Excellent distribution and showing to quick feet to skip around the on coming players. The defensive headers proved invaluable which was great to see!

Jake Jenkins

Attacking player of the week

Jake Jenkins

What a strike from 25yards out lobbing the keeper to put us 1-0 up? Nice to see him back on the score sheet.

Parents Report

Fortunately for the parents, an area was set up to reduce damage to the pitch as it was so wet. This area was the opposite side of the pitch some way from my eye so
I have little to comment on today.

A big thank you to Andrea and Nicki for helping out collecting the cones and posts in today at the end of the game. I appreciate your help as some of the work at football we have to put in goes unnoticed. If you think picking a few cones up will illiviate you from any imagery or written comments from future match reports you are sadly mistaken.

A Few Special Mentions

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ranon, great game today, we’ll done!!!

Our Referee, Ryan “CRUNCH” Coleman


Thank you for your support and we really appreciated the way you managed the difficult situation we were all faced with. To confirm, all Kilgetty players must now refer to Ryan as CRUNCH and nothing else as a sign of appreciation for the efforts he puts in to support the under 13’s side.